Guest Posting

Guest posting is nothing but writing articles and getting them posted on other's blogs. It is a really effective way to increase your online presense that can help you in many ways such as boosting website ranking, getting content based links and traffic as well. We are more than happy to publish your material.

Guest Posting Guidelines

Here are some basic guidelines you need to follow:
  • The post should be minimum 500 words long
  • Include a headline, body text, your byline, and an image.
  • The post should be relevant to the blog – Go through our blog and submit articles which will be of importance to our reader base.
  • The post must be original and you agree not to post it somewhere else
  • No affiliate links
  • No links to unrelated sites
If you have a post that meets the guidelines above, you can send it to me via Contact Us form. Please include the post in the body of the email itself, or as a .txt attachment.

I reserve the right to edit the post as needed (for example, to fix spelling or grammar errors) and to reject post if I feel is not appropriate for my blog.